


The Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability and require the University to make reasonable accommodations for those otherwise qualified individuals with a disability who request accommodations. 合理的学术住宿是一种辅助手段, modification or adjustment that allows an individual to gain equal access and have equal opportunity to participate in the University’s courses, 服务, 活动和设施的使用. The University is not obligated to provide an accommodation that imposes an undue burden or requires a fundamental alteration in the curriculum or alteration of any essential elements or functions of a program. Students requesting reasonable accommodations must do so by registering with 访问协调器 at their respective schools in a timely manner. Students shall also be required to provide documentation of their disability that 1) meets the 十大赌博正规老平台’s established guidelines for documentation of a disability, and 2) demonstrates or documents how their disability functionally impacts their participation in courses, 项目, 工作, 活动及/或使用大学设施.


  1. 学生完成一项 在线申请要求住宿.
  2. 一旦申请提交, the Office of Disability Resources (“ODR”) contacts 学生 to schedule an intake interview with his or her 各自的访问协调员.
  3. The access coordinator and 学生 discuss 学生’s disability and the impact it has on learning. The student and 访问协调器 discuss what reasonable accommodations 学生 is requesting.
  4. 所有学生均须提交残疾证明文件 罗彻斯特大学文档指南 作为吸收过程的一部分. 确定合理住宿的过程是学生之间的合作, 访问协调器, 了解学生残疾情况的合格专业人员, 以及课程指导老师或项目主管, 如果有必要的话.
  5. 如果提供住宿, a notification of accommodations letter will be issued to the 教练s of courses in which accommodations have been requested.
  6. Students are responsible for initiating requests for accommodations in their classes each term.
  7. Students may use the formal or informal process for dispute resolution if they dispute the decision of the ODR.




  1. 在有争议的情况下, 学生, 教练, 大学行政人员, 和/或访问协调员将尽一切努力解决分歧.
  2. 如果无法达成解决方案, 学生, 教练, 大学行政人员可以通过提交一份书面文件来寻求非正式解决方案 要求覆核 of the disputed decision to the 十大赌博正规老平台 Associate Vice Provost of Disability Compliance. 残疾合规副教务长将尝试解决争议.
  3. If the dispute cannot be resolved the Associate Vice Provost of Disability Compliance will convene the 资格评估委员会 within seven (7) working days of receiving the 要求覆核.
  4. The Committee will review the 要求覆核 and any additional relevant information from University personnel in order to render a decision within ten (10) working days from the date of receiving the 要求覆核.
  5. 如果个人对委员会的决定不满意, 正式的申诉必须根据第504/ADA -申诉程序提出.
  6. 当复审请求正在考虑中, the 教练 will provide the reasonable accommodation as indicated by 访问协调器.资格评估委员会
    The 资格评估委员会 is appointed by the Associate Vice Provost of Disability Compliance. 这个委员会为全体教员提供资源, 学术管理人员和大学生, 具体情况具体分析, 解决有关学术住宿要求的分歧. The access coordinators will provide general information regarding determination and implementation of accommodations. The Dean or designated representative of the Department offering the course(s) in which the accommodation is requested may be asked to provide information to the committee.


The University’s formal grievance procedure for challenging a decision regarding accommodations is Policy 106 – Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment. The University also strongly encourages individuals to attempt to resolve issues informally, 虽然在提出正式申诉之前不需要进行非正式程序.


  1. The 十大赌博正规老平台 recognizes that student disability records contain confidential information and are to be treated as such as described below. Documentation of a student’s disability is maintained in a confidential file kept separate from the school’s official academic file. 残疾问题记录, 然而, are generally “education records” under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). 相应的, information related to a disability will only be disclosed to those University employees who need to know the information as part of the accommodation process or as otherwise permitted by the 大学的学生档案政策 适用法律.
  2. Students may request access to their disability files by submitting a written request to 访问协调器. 访问权限将按规定授予 学生档案政策.



  • Request and receive current documentation that identifies the existence of a disability and justifies that the requested accommodation is reasonable.
  • 提出适当和合理的住宿建议, 学业调整或辅助辅助和服务 based upon documentation submitted to 访问协调器s.
  • 建立课程的基本要求和标准, 项目, 罗彻斯特大学的服务或活动.
  • Provide adjustments or auxiliary aids and 服务 that are equally effective as the specific ones requested.
  • 拒绝住宿, 从根本上改变航向的调整或辅助措施, 项目或活动, 或对健康或安全构成不当负担或直接威胁


  • Review submitted documentation without bias and seek appropriate relevant professional expertise when necessary.
  • 在决定住宿时与学生和其他相关方协商, 学业调整或辅助辅助和服务.
  • 应要求提供无障碍格式的信息.
  • 及时响应客户的要求.
  • 保持文件和信息的适当机密性



  • 学习课程的平等机会, 项目, 十大赌博正规老平台的服务和活动.
  • 要求合理的住宿,学业调整或辅助帮助和服务.
  • 对有关残疾的信息进行适当的保密, 除非法律要求或允许披露.

Students with disabilities at the 十大赌博正规老平台 who receive reasonable accommodations have the responsibility to:

  • 维持学校的学习成绩和行为标准.
  • 遵循已公布的要求住宿的程序, 学业调整或辅助辅助和服务.
  • Provide appropriate documentation of a disability including the functional limitation(s) of the disability and its impact on the access to and participation in courses, 项目, 十大赌博正规老平台的服务和活动.
  • 为学生注册的每学期申请学术住宿.